We are so proud of our students. Scholarships offered to the Class of 2021 ~ Grand Total $402,100.00!
Many, many thanks to the following alumni for their generous donations including the Devine family who donates as a gift to their parents every Christmas. You are all in our prayers!
Many thanks to alumni Edward Lang who comes every year and donates Dictionaries to our 3rd grade students courtesy of the paramus rotary Club.
Many thanks to Gil Duke who has been volunteering alot of time to our Basketball program.
Alumni, Daniel Perez deserves our thanks as he comes every year with the Pramus Fire Department to teach our stydents about fire safety.
Many thanks to Rebecca Starace. Rebecca very generously offered a preogram for our 2nd and 3rd grade students called "Paws to Read! Students have the opportunity to read aloud to an International Certified Therapy Dog, Daisy.
Congratulations to Dr. Jillian Koster Grigorya. Graduated Drexel College of Medicine. Dr. Koster will be at New Hampshire Dartmouth Family Medicine Residency at Concord Hospital.
David Caulfield, Class of 2006 Visitation Academy Alumnus, Dave Caulfield, joined the SKYWARN 6 Weather Team in Wichita Falls, Texas and also reports for Newschannel 6. Dave is very excited to be working and living in Withcita Falls, and keeping Texoma informed about the weather. Dave visited our 3rd grade students to share with them his weather experiences.
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