Mrs. A. Romain
Middle School Reading
[email protected]
"Judge each day not by the harvest but by the seeds you plant."
- Robert Louis Stevenson
ALL CLASSES - We will have a vocab test on the 15th and 30th of every month. If the 15th or 30th fall on a weekend the test will be given on Monday.
Please check Google Classroom Stream for daily assignments.
In 6th grade students are introduced to annotations which is a skill that they will heavily rely on in high school. It is a skill that keeps their brains active and alert while reading by constantly asking questions and reacting to books they are reading.
In addition to the different books that are read in each grade, EVERY grade reads and reports on Current Events through Time Magazine for Middle School grades. The students engage in weekly current event discussions and topics for debate. A recent debate centered around if we should get rid of the penny as part of of our currency.
Junior Scholastic - 6th grade
Upfront Magazine - 7th and 8th grade
6th grade
Out of My Mind - Empathy and acceptance
Julie of the Wolves - Environmental subjects. Students will visit a virtual wolf reserve.
Letters to Rifka - immigration/Ellis Island/ Statue of Liberty
7th grade
The Outsiders - We are all different but somehow the same. Society vs individuals
The Giver - Is there such a thing as a perfect society? What defines perfect to each of us
Debates - Children will use modern-day issues to research, present, and debate both sides of the issue. May the best team win!!! It gets heated!!!
8th Grade
5 People You Meet In Heaven - All our actions affect ourselves but more importantly the world around us.
Night - Holocaust study. Realization of how one man began a movement to bring light to this hidden time of history by its survivors. Speaking out for victims that are silenced
Newscasts - Children take on the role of newscasters. As an anchor team they research and report different current event issues . World, national, local sports, and weather news are reported by individuals as newscasts.
Vocabulary is studied in each grade